Lisa Raduszynski dans A French Jewish Queer Jardin Sauvage Affiche

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où cet événement eut lieu :
Jardin Sauvage, 75011 Paris

Lisa Raduszynski dans A French Jewish Queer

Jardin Sauvage, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -

En ce moment dans cette salle :

Lisa is a French Jewish Queer, or as the German say, the one that got away. 100% stand-up comedy in english !

She's also a mother, but she thought the title would have been too long if she added it to it.

It's 100% stand-up comedy, a pinch of interaction with the audience and a lot of complaint (she can't help being Jewish).
She doesn't really know in which box she fits the best. Will you?

After a big success with this show at the Fringe Festival this summer, Lisa brings her show in Paris for a one shot, so you don't wanna miss it.

Le Saviez-vous?
Lisa was finalist of the American contest Ladies of Laughter 2018 in NYC.
"A French Jewish Queer" is her 5th solo show. She performed all over France & in NYC, Israel, Switzerland and in the UK.

A Savoir :
Spectacle en anglais.
Les portent ouvrent à 20h30.
Consommation obligatoire (une minimum).
Sortie au chapeau.

Auteur : Lisa Raduszynski
Artiste : Lisa Raduszynski

Pour un Public adulte
à partir de 15 ans


Langue : Anglais
Durée : 55 minutes soit 00h55

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