Guide Tour : Birth of Paris, Lutetia ! Les Arènes de Lutèce Affiche © marinezecity, Marine Bonnet

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où cet événement eut lieu :
Les Arènes de Lutèce, 75005 Paris

Guide Tour : Birth of Paris, Lutetia !

Les Arènes de Lutèce, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -
Explore the very old Paris, at time it was still called : Lutetia ! Plunge yourself into the Gallo-roman Time...

Paris is a very old city, more than 2000 years of History ! How is it born ? Why is it called Paris ? The best way to know better the city is to know its origins.

You will be visiting Paris of another time : Antiquity !
You will be learning more about who were those Gallo Roman people, their culture, their habits and also the organisation of their society.
From the Arena of Lutetia to the city island, showing you what used to look like Lutetia in its earliest time.

Duration : 2 hours
Included : Guided Tour with a licensed guide (MarineZeCity )

To make sure you will get the best of it, please read the following instructions carefully :

Book your tour !
Think of booking your ticket, the tour happens only if your booking is confirmed.

Check list !
This visit is in the open air only.
Make sure you are wearing correct clothes and wear good shoes, comfortable enough for walking.
Take a small bottle of water (you will be able to refill it).
Bring a snack if you have the munchies ( discovering amazing things can make you feel peckish ! Study by MarineZeCity).
Bring your sanitary pass.
Bring a certificate in case of a special discount (unemployed, under 18...)

Meet up on time !
The meeting point will be mentionned on your reservation after paiement.
Thank you for showing up 15 minutes prior the visit starts !
The visit starts at the schedule mentionned, if you arrive late, you won't be able to find and join the tour anymore. Contact Marine by phone, text, whatsapp for further information.

Auteur : Marine Bonnet
Artistes : Marine Bonnet
Le lieu de rendez-vous sera indiqué sur votre contremarque. Metteur en scène : Marine Bonnet

Evénement proposé par @marinezecity

Pour Tout public

Visite guidée, Excursions

Langue : Anglais
Durée : 120 minutes soit 02h00

Dresscode : This is an outdoor tour, have a look at the forecast to make sure that you are dressed properly. Get good shoes to be at ease for the walk.

Evénements associés :
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