Dialogues with the dog Théâtre Darius Milhaud Affiche

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Dialogues with the dog
le jeudi 30 mai 2024

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Dialogues with the dog

de Varvara Dorongovskaia , mis en scène par Varvara Dorongovskaia

Théâtre Darius Milhaud, Paris

1 critique

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Matthew Inscrit Il y a 3 mois 2 critiques  
Utile: Oui Non
-A beautiful piece on dealing with loneliness during lockdown

Varvara is a very impressive puppeteer and actress who uses her skills and storytelling to bring us into the world of her and her dog (and others such as "Le Monde" the Newspaper or "Zara" the dress...) I found myself captivated and didn't see the hour go by. The staging is very clear and well done, we follow the story of Varvara alone in her home and that of her dog, Tesla's through lights and music. I would recommend to anyone who wants to feel a bit of hope, and love.
# écrit Il y a 2 semaines

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